Terms of service

Terms of Use

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1 Purpose
These terms of use are for all services provided through the website and mobile app of “LEDOME Service” operated by the “Korea Fashion Industry Association” (hereinafter referred to as this site), and are intended to comply with and regulate the terms and procedures for use of all services provided and other necessary matters as prescribed by the Telecommunications Business Act and its Enforcement Decree.

Article 2 Validity and Change of Terms and Conditions
(1) These Terms and Conditions shall become effective upon being posted to users on this website.
(2) The Company may change the Terms and Conditions in the event of a change in circumstances or for important business reasons, and the changed Terms and Conditions shall become effective in the same manner as the preceding paragraph.

Article 3 Rules Other than Terms and Conditions
If matters not specified in these Terms and Conditions are stipulated in relevant laws and regulations, such stipulations shall apply.

Chapter 2 Membership Registration and Service Use

Article 1 Establishment of Service Use Agreement
Those who wish to register as members and use the service must provide an email address and password.
In addition, consent may be obtained for the collection and use of personal information required for service use.
However, for some service use applications, additional user authentication and consent procedures are required.
The service use agreement shall be governed by the following:
(1) The use agreement shall be established by the company's approval of the user's application for use and the user's consent to the terms and conditions.
(2) Those who wish to join as members and use the service must provide the personal information requested by the company.
(3) If the company approves the user's application for use, the company will notify the user of the member ID and other information that the company deems necessary.
(4) The company will not approve the application for use contract that falls under any of the following items.

a. When applying using another person's name
b. When applying not under the user's real name
c. When the information in the application for use contract is false
d. When applying for the purpose of disturbing the peace and order of society or public morals

Chapter 3 Obligations

Article 1 Obligations of the Company
(1) Unless there are special circumstances, the Company shall make the service available on the service provision start date requested by the member.
(2) The Company shall have the obligation to provide the service continuously and stably in accordance with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.
(3) The Company shall process opinions raised by members through the prescribed procedures through appropriate procedures, and if it takes a certain period of time to process, the Company shall inform the member of the reason and processing schedule.
(4) The company thoroughly keeps the member's information secure, uses it only to operate or improve quality services, and does not transfer it to other organizations or individuals for any other purpose.

Article 2 Member's Obligations
(1) The member is responsible for all management of the ID and password.
(2) The member agrees to receive e-mails and advertising information from this site sent as part of the service.
(3) If his/her ID is used illegally, the member must notify the company of the fact.
(4) The member must comply with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions and related laws.

Chapter 4 Contract Termination and Service Use Restrictions

Article 1 Contract Termination and Use Restrictions
(1) If a member commits the following acts, the company may terminate the service contract or suspend the use of the service for a specified period without prior notice.

a. In cases of violation of public order and morals
b. In cases of criminal activity
c. In cases of planning or executing the use of the service for the purpose of harming national interests or social public interests
d. In case of stealing another person's ID and password
E. In case of damaging another person's reputation or causing disadvantages
B. In case of double registration by the same user with a different ID
G. In case of causing harm to the service or hindering sound use
A. In case of violating other related laws or terms of use set by the company

Article 2 Member Obligations
(1) If the company wishes to restrict use, it shall notify the member or agent in writing or by phone of the reason, date, and period.
(2) However, if the company determines that it is necessary to suspend use urgently, it may restrict use of the service without the process of the preceding paragraph.
(3) A member or agent who has been notified of a service suspension pursuant to Article 2, Paragraph 1 of Chapter 4 may file an objection if he or she has an objection to the suspension.
(4) The company shall immediately lift the suspension if it is confirmed that the reason for the suspension has been resolved during the suspension period.

Article 3 Management of Member Posts
The Company may delete, without prior notice, any content posted or registered by a member on this site service if it is determined that it falls under the following:
(1) If the content defames or slanders others and damages the reputation of an individual, corporation, or group
(2) If the content violates public order and morals
(3) If the content is deemed to be in accordance with criminal acts
(4) If the content infringes upon the copyrights or other rights of others
(5) If the content violates other related laws or regulations established by the Company